How Does Your Garden Grow?

I pose the headline question because, if you are busy in SL, it doesn’t grow very well. There’s all that running around from sim to sim, selecting plants, buying too many in a pack when you only need one, rushing to rez them before your paramour comes over so you can have a romantic evening together and finding trees not where you want, flowers growing out of benches, etc. And *dirt* under your prim nails!

Makes you want to get a gardener.

How does your garden grow?

Carter Denja and Stormy Aluveaux have solved that problem by making this handy dandy garden—a Pocket Garden they call it. Coming in sizes of 5 X 5 (30 prims), 5 X 10 (44 prims), and 10 X 10 (58 prims), the garden can be rezzed and instantly set down.

How does your garden grow?

10 X 10 Pocket Garden

But wait.. there’s more! Click the garden and you can choose one of six ground covers (including alpha). Click it again and you can choose one of three “themes,” including white, blue and mixed. You can turn the lamppost on or off or change the light colors and intensity and color of the lamp. And sit animations are included. Drop, click, click, and you’re done!

How does your garden grow?

5 X 10 Pocket Garden (please note how I am hardly lifting a finger)

Carter did all the scripting; Stormy gathered and made the textures and built the garden from sculpties and regular prims. At the low cost of 800L for the fat pack of all three gardens, it’s really quite a deal.

How does your garden grow?

5 X 5 Pocket Garden

I am showing Antonia Marat’s sweet dress while I enjoy the garden. Antonia is one of the most experienced designers in SL. Her Rockabilly fashions and sensibilities have made their mark on SL. She sets the bar for great creation and brand clarity and keeps raising it. Her system pieces are detailed and well shaded, and her prims are employed strategically for best use. And honestly, it’s just plain old fun going to her sim to shop. (Take a ride on the scooter—that’s all I have to say.)

How does your garden grow?

I wore Rita Groshomme’s darling hair, which I got in a fat pack accidentally at the last Hair Fair (unclear signage, stupid buyer). I lucked out because the textures are lovely and the style is well done with a great color change sculpty scarf. Pulse’s Summer skin from the Valeries-T series completes the look handily.

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells, and cockle shells:

Hair: Paper Tiger 1 – Blonde by Rita Groshomme for Curio

Skin: Pulse Skin-Valeries-T:Chamois/Summer by Lorac Farella for Pulse Skins

Dress: /artilleri/ Charlotte dress *blue* by Antonia Marat for Artilleri

Gardens: Pocket Gardens – Thalia by Carter Denja and Stormy Aluveaux for Pocket Gardens

And by the way, Carter has an incredible world music collection and plays every Monday night, 6-9 pm slt, at Madhu’s Cafe. She doesn’t play the stuff where you feel like you should be eating whole wheat bread and watching PBS and committing yourself to a life of Buddhist asceticism—she plays the good juicy stuff: tangos, love songs, pop, etc.

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